Course Introduction

We welcome you to our course on the End Time Prophetic Training and do believe it will be a blessing to you in your life. This course was designed as a tool to give you the knowledge that you need to begin to recognize and build upon the biblical principles that are established in the course. Between the textbooks, video instruction, Scriptural revelation, and insights you will receive, we believe this class will not just be an educational experience in a traditional sense, but also one that will reveal many things to you, about yourself, and about the necessity of prophetic insights in our current world. By taking this class, you will have a better understanding of the prophetic, how the prophetic functions, images of Biblical prophetic figures (and how we can recognize those same gifts and abilities today) and how to properly order prophetic abilities, both within individuals and local churches, in our modern times. 

Should you have any questions, please contact Kingdom Now University via:

Phone: 1-877-574-4482 | [email protected]

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